Friday, November 5, 2010


As of today we are now homeless...  Our house at Seventeen Mile Rocks has settled and we are considering going to the casino and putting it all on black.

With regards to Brookwater, we have met with our Architect on site and are awaiting his preliminary designs.  He had some great ideas for both capturing the views and working in with the two houses already constructed either side of us, so we can't wait to see what he comes up with.

We also received the results of our soil test this week.  Not exactly what we were hoping for, but could have been worse.  Initially, the engineer rated our block a "P" for problem site, due the "uncontrolled" fill used during the construction of the estate.  We were a little concerned considering our dear friends at the Brookwater sales office assured us that the fill used on our block was "controlled".  The trap for young players here however was that any fill used on a block of land is classified as "uncontrolled" unless you provide a compaction certificate, which we got our hands on, upgrading our classification to a "H" for highly reactive site.  Sounds bad, but considering at Seventeen Mile Rocks we emptied our wallets getting rock dug out of our site, a bit of clayey sand (the actual technical term for it!) isn't scaring us at all.  Our builder even said that "H" blocks are actually quite common these days and won't actually cost much more money than if it was a less reactive block. Nothing compared to what the rock on our block ended up costing anyway.

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